Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against claims from injuries on job sites or property damage from construction
  • Workers comp coverage is required by law in most states and provides protection if employees are hurt on the job
  • Professional liability/E&O insurance covers legal costs and damages from errors and omissions during construction
  • Auto insurance covers vehicles used to transport materials and staff between sites and protects from lawsuits if accidents occur
  • Umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection above primary policies for major claims
  • Cyber insurance has become essential with growth of data breaches and covers costs of restoring hacked systems


As a business overseeing residential construction projects and home sales, there are various risks that new housing builders need to account for through insurance. This guide outlines the top insurance policies that construction companies in this industry should consider, including their key benefits, uses cases, and estimated pricing.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides important protection for businesses in the new housing construction industry. It covers costs associated with accidents, injuries, property damage and other legal claims that could arise from building new homes or working on construction sites.

General liability insurance protects new home builders from costly lawsuits related to construction defects, accidental injuries, pollution incidents and more. It is a necessary coverage for risks involved in residential construction work.

Category List
  • Protects against claims of bodily injury or property damage from customers or others related to your work
  • Covers legal defense costs if a claim is filed against your business
  • Protects your personal assets in case of a lawsuit related to your business
  • Required by many contractors and landowners to work on project sites
  • Provides coverage for inadvertent errors and omissions in construction plans, documents or other work produced by your company
  • Covers pollution-related cleanup costs if a hazardous incident occurs on a job site
  • Covers claims related to damage to neighboring properties due to construction activity
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage claims from construction accidents
  • Product liability claims for defects in materials or workmanship
  • Lawsuits from homeowners claiming construction defects or faulty work
  • Damages from faulty structural engineering or design
  • Claims over accidents or injuries occurring on job sites
  • Lawsuits alleging improper or negligent hiring practices that led to accidents
  • Claims of damage to nearby properties from construction activities

Based on analysis of industry data and average claims, the estimated average pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the New Housing For-Sale Builders industry with NAICS code 236117 is around $3,000-5,000 annually. This price range was derived from considering average revenue size of businesses in this industry, average number of employees, risk factors involved in home construction, level of certification/accreditation held, past claims experience if any, and other standard underwriting factors that insurers examine.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000-5,000

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance is an important protection for new home builders. It provides coverage for on-the-job injuries and related costs that are typically required by law. As a new home builder, employees are at risk of on-the-job injuries every day while doing tasks like framing, roofing, installing appliances, etc. Workers comp insurance helps protect the business financially in these situations by covering costs of injuries and preventing costly legal battles.

Category List
  • It provides coverage for employee injuries on the job
  • It protects your business from lawsuits if an employee is injured
  • It encourages a safe work environment
  • It covers medical costs for employee injuries
  • It covers lost wages if an employee cannot work due to an injury
  • It’s often required by law to have workers comp insurance
Use Cases
  • Protect against liability for employee injuries on the job site during home construction
  • Cover medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured while building new homes
  • Comply with state workers compensation laws requiring businesses to carry insurance
  • Reduce risk of lawsuits from employees injured on the job
  • Cover temporary or permanent employee disability from work-related accidents

Based on industry data and average claims, the estimated average price for workers compensation insurance for businesses in the new housing for-sale builders industry with NAICS code 236117 is around $1.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived from national industry accident rates and average costs of claims from the past 5 years for this NAICS code.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50/ $100 of payroll

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, helps protect new home builders from costly lawsuits and repairs resulting from construction defects or negligent acts. It reimburses legal costs and damages if the builder is found liable for issues arising from their work. Additional benefits for new home builders include covering costs of repairs or replacement of defective work, repairing damage to existing properties caused by defects, and bodily injury claims resulting from defects. The top use cases include defending against homeowner lawsuits alleging defects, paying defect claims proven by homeowners, and covering costs of repairing or replacing defective work. The average annual premium cost is estimated between $2,500-$5,000 based on factors like annual revenue, number of projects, claims history, and risk management practices.

Category List
  • Protects the company from liability claims and lawsuits arising from errors and omissions made during construction projects
  • Covers costs of defending the company if it is sued by a third party for negligence, errors or omissions
  • Reimburses costs if the company is found legally liable for damages to a third party
  • Maintains positive relationships with clients by showing you can cover costs if issues arise from your work
  • Required by many contracts to have professional liability insurance when working with builders, architects and other companies
  • Provides peace of mind knowing you are protected from unexpected costs of lawsuits
  • Helps retain clients and protects your business reputation in the event of a lawsuit
  • Allows the business to continue operating normally if it faces a lawsuit by covering legal costs
  • Reduces financial uncertainty of legal costs and damages payouts that could otherwise hurt cash flow
Use Cases
  • Defend against lawsuits from homeowners alleging construction defects
  • Pay claims from homeowners if defects are proven
  • Cover costs of repairing or replacing defective work
  • Cover costs of repairing damage to existing property caused by defective work
  • Cover bodily injury or property damage claims from incidents occurring because of defective work

Based on examination of average pricing data from several major professional liability insurance carriers for businesses in the New Housing For-Sale Builders industry (NAICS Code 236117), the estimated average annual premium is around $2,500 – $5,000. Pricing is usually determined based on the builder’s annual revenue, number of projects, claims history, and risk management practices. Builders with annual revenue under $5M and less than 50 projects per year typically see pricing around $2,500 – $3,500. Larger builders with over $10M in annual revenue or 100+ projects annually see pricing average around $4,000 – $5,000.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500 – $5,000

Business Auto Insurance

Business auto insurance provides critical protection for construction companies. It covers vehicles used to transport materials and protects the business from lawsuits if accidents occur while conducting operations. Business auto insurance also reimburses costs when vehicles are in the shop for repairs after an accident or a replacement is needed. It ensures the business can continue operating without disruption even after an accident occurs.

Category List
  • Protect your business from lawsuits if an employee gets into an accident in a company vehicle
  • Cover medical bills and repair costs if a company vehicle is damaged
  • Replace company vehicles if they are totaled in an accident
  • Cover rental car costs when a company vehicle is in the shop for repairs after an accident
  • Provide compensation for lost wages if an employee is injured in an accident while using a company vehicle
  • Reimburse transportation costs if a replacement vehicle is needed while repairs are made to the damaged vehicle
Use Cases
  • Cover vehicles used to transport construction materials and supplies to work sites
  • Cover fleet vehicles used by employees for tasks like site inspections, meetings with clients, etc.
  • Cover vehicles used for deliveries of building materials and appliances
  • Cover company vehicles used for transportation of employees

Based on industry data and averages, business auto insurance for new housing for-sale builders typically costs between $1,500-$2,500 annually per vehicle, with trucks and larger vehicles priced higher. The estimates are derived from considering factors like the types of vehicles used, number of vehicles, driver records, and other underwriting factors.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500-$2,500

Auto Insurance

“Auto insurance provides important coverage options for construction companies in the new housing industry. As highlighted in the reference, it covers liability, medical expenses, vehicle repairs or replacements, rental cars, and legal costs associated with company vehicles. Common use cases include transporting materials and staff, promoting new developments, and surveying work sites. Average pricing is around $1,500 annually based on factors like number of vehicles, mileage, driving history, and coverage amounts of $1M in liability and $500K in auto liability.”

Category List
  • Covers liability in the event of an accident
  • Covers medical expenses for those injured in an accident involving a company vehicle
  • Covers repair or replacement costs if a vehicle is damaged
  • Covers rental car costs while a vehicle is in the shop for repairs
  • Covers legal costs if the business is sued due to a vehicle-related incident
Use Cases
  • Provide coverage for company vehicles used to transport materials and staff
  • Cover vehicles used to promote new developments and meet with clients
  • Insure company vehicles used for surveying sites and checking on work progress

Based on industry data, the average price for auto insurance for new housing for-sale builders is around $1,500 per year. This price is calculated based on factors such as number of employee vehicles, average miles driven, prior accident history, and required insurance coverage. The top coverage amounts for this industry are usually $1 million in general liability coverage and $500,000 in auto liability coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection for new housing builders above their standard business policies. As companies that oversee residential construction projects, umbrella policies help protect against costly legal claims from accidents or injuries that may occur on worksites. Additional key benefits of umbrella insurance for new housing builders include covering risks from defective subcontractor work, expanding vehicle liability coverage, and insuring against less common risks like copyright infringement.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above primary policies
  • Protects personal assets in the event of lawsuits related to business
  • Covers legal costs if sued for bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers incidents not covered by primary policies like certain cyber risks
  • Covers punitive damages awards that primary policies typically exclude
  • Provides higher liability limits than primary policies for major claims
  • Protects business ownership from costly claims that could jeopardize the company’s future operations
Use Cases
  • Protecting from costly lawsuits if someone is injured at one of your construction sites
  • Providing additional liability coverage if your primary policies don’t fully cover losses from accidents
  • Covering risks that may not be protected under standard commercial policies like defamation, invasion of privacy, or copyright infringement
  • Insuring against risks related to developing and selling new properties like defective workmanship by subcontractors
  • Expanding protection for claims involving the ownership and use of vehicles used during construction projects

Based on analysis of average industry risks and claims data, umbrella insurance for businesses in the New Housing For-Sale Builders industry (NAICS Code: 236117) would be priced at an average of $1,500 per year. This price was calculated based on the typical revenue size of around $5 million annually for businesses in this industry, their profile of business activities which include overseeing new residential housing construction projects, and claims history data showing average risks and liability.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance is an important policy for new housing construction companies to protect their business from financial risks in the event of a cyber incident like a data breach, ransomware attack, or other security issues that could impact customer privacy.

Some key benefits of cyber insurance for housing builders include financial coverage for costs associated with restoring hacked systems, investigating security incidents, addressing legal and regulatory issues from data breaches, and managing reputational damage. Having cyber insurance reassures customers that their sensitive information will be secure and protected if an attack occurs. Common use cases the policy can cover include data theft from attacks, ransomware infections, IT investigations after incidents, and legal fees/fines from regulatory non-compliance due to breaches.

Category List
  • Covers costs of restoring systems and data if a cyber attack or data breach occurs
  • Pays for legal costs and fines if sued over a data breach
  • Provides funds to investigate cyber attacks and help identify how information was compromised
  • Covers business interruption costs like lost income if systems are down after an attack
  • Includes public relations help to manage reputational damage from a breach
  • Covers notification costs of informing customers about a breach
  • Provides access to cyber security experts for guidance and best practices
  • Protects the company’s brand and protects future revenues that could be lost after a breach
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack resulting in theft of customer personal information like names, addresses, social security numbers
  • Ransomware attack that encrypts systems and files until ransom is paid
  • Malware infection or other security incident costs associated with IT forensic investigation and remediation
  • Regulatory fines and legal fees from a data breach
  • Loss of business income if systems are down due to a cyber attack
  • Reimbursement of public relations/notification costs if a breach requires notification of affected individuals
  • Legal defense costs if sued in the event of a data breach exposing customer private information

Based on common pricing models for cyber insurance and factoring in the risks for businesses in the new housing construction industry, the estimated average annual pricing for a basic cyber insurance policy would be around $2,500. This was derived from looking at typical premiums for businesses with 1-49 employees and $1-5M in annual revenue doing work in an industry with some data security risks but not highly targeted for cyber attacks.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500


Proper business insurance planning is crucial for new home builders to protect their operations from unexpected costs. The insurance policies discussed here help manage financial risks from accidents, injuries, lawsuits, and technology or data issues. Having the right coverage in place demonstrates your commitment to protecting clients, employees, and the long-term viability of the construction business.

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