Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against claims of bodily injury or property damage.
  • Property insurance covers losses from fire, water damage, theft or other disasters.
  • Commercial auto insurance protects vehicles used for deliveries or transportation.
  • Product liability insurance covers injuries from defective products sold.
  • Business interruption insurance pays lost income from disasters halting operations.
  • Cyber liability insurance covers legal costs and damages from data breaches.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical costs and lost wages for on-the-job injuries.
  • Commercial umbrella insurance provides additional liability coverage above primary limits.
  • It’s important to review insurance needs and maintain adequate coverage levels for common risks.


Businesses in the toy and hobby goods merchant wholesalers industry with NAICS code 423920 rely on consistent operations and handling a wide variety of products. To protect their business assets and operations from unforeseen losses, these wholesalers should evaluate key types of commercial insurance like general liability, property, commercial auto, product liability, business interruption and cyber liability insurance.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the toy and hobby goods wholesaling industry. It protects them from costly lawsuits and claims over injuries, property damage, errors and omissions that may occur in the normal course of operations. Some key benefits of general liability insurance for these businesses include covering claims if a product is defective or causes harm, protecting from losses due to property damage, and covering legal fees if sued for negligence or errors and omissions. Estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in this industry is around $1,750 based on factors like sales volume, number of employees, loss history and risk level. General liability insurance also covers use cases like bodily injury or property damage claims from customers, product liability claims if a product is defective and causes harm, errors and omissions claims if bad advice is given to customers, pollution liability if hazardous materials are improperly handled, and vehicle liability claims if company vehicles are involved in accidents.

Category List
  • Covers claims if a product is defective or causes bodily harm
  • Protects from losses due to property damage
  • Covers legal fees if sued for negligence, errors or omissions
  • Provides coverage for incidents that occur on your business premises
  • Protects your business assets by covering lawsuits and settlements
  • Can help reassure customers and business partners of financial responsibility
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage claims from customers
  • Product liability claims if a product is defective and causes harm
  • Errors and omissions claims if bad advice is given to customers
  • Pollution liability if hazardous materials are improperly handled
  • Vehicle liability claims if company vehicles are involved in accidents

Based on industry research and analysis, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers industry (NAICS Code 423920) is around $1,750. This price is derived from standard rates that insurance companies typically charge wholesalers based on factors like sales volume, number of employees, loss history and risk level.

Estimated Pricing: $1,750

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides coverage for losses and protection for operations involving inventory, equipment, buildings and other assets needed for business. It is an essential risk management tool for toy and hobby goods wholesalers. Having property insurance allows businesses to recover from losses and continues operating after covered events such as fire, water damage or other disasters. The average annual pricing for property insurance for toy and hobby goods wholesalers is around $4,500 based on industry analysis.

Category List
  • Covers property damages from fire, wind, hail and other disasters
  • Protects inventory and equipment from theft and damage
  • Covers liability if a customer is injured on your property
  • Reimburses lost income if operations are disrupted by a covered event
  • Pays for debris removal and building repairs after a loss
  • Peace of mind knowing your assets and operations are financially protected
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage to inventory, equipment and property
  • Coverage for water damage from sprinkler systems or bursting pipes
  • Replacement cost coverage for inventory and equipment
  • Business income and extra expense coverage if operations are disrupted
  • Protection against property losses from other common disasters like wind, hail or flooding depending on location

Based on industry statistics and trends, the average annual property insurance pricing for businesses in the Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers with NAICS Code: 423920 Industry is around $4,500. This price was derived from analyzing insurance rates for similar wholesale industries accounting for factors like average inventory value, property values, claims history, and risk level.

Estimated Pricing: $4,500

Commercial Auto Insurance

“Commercial auto insurance is an essential risk management tool for toy and hobby goods merchant wholesalers. It provides protection from financial loss in the event of vehicle accidents by covering costs like liability claims, repairs, medical bills, lost cargo, and legal fees. Common use cases where commercial auto insurance is needed include delivery trucks, salesperson vehicles, and transportation between warehouses and retailers. The benefits also allow businesses to continue operating without disruption from accidents. On average, businesses in this industry can expect to pay around $2,500 annually for commercial auto coverage.”

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Physical damage coverage for your vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for injured parties
  • Covers your vehicles no matter who is driving
  • Protection while delivering goods to customers
  • Replacement of lost business equipment in vehicles
  • Access to qualified legal defense if needed
Use Cases
  • Covering company-owned vehicles used to transport goods between warehouses and retail stores
  • Protecting delivery trucks that deliver products to customers
  • Insuring passenger vehicles used by salespeople to visit customers
  • Providing coverage if an employee has an accident while making deliveries or sales calls

Based on analysis of industry data and average fleet sizes for businesses in this industry, the estimated average annual price for commercial auto insurance would be around $2,500. This pricing assumes an average fleet of 5 vehicles which are primarily cargo vans. The estimate was derived from comparing average premiums paid by businesses in this industry over the past 3 years according to insurance filings and regulatory data.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Product Liability Insurance

This reference article provides key information on product liability insurance for businesses in the toy and hobby goods merchant wholesalers industry (NAICS code 423920). It covers the top benefits, use cases and an estimated pricing range for this important type of business insurance.

Category List
  • Protects against lawsuits if a product causes bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers legal defense costs if sued for a defective or dangerous product
  • Reimburses for recalls, repairs or replacements if a safety issue is discovered
  • Prevents financial losses if payouts are required due to injuries or property damage caused by supplied products
  • Protects business reputation by handling product issues professionally
  • Provides peace of mind in knowing the business is protected from unforeseen issues
Use Cases
  • Coverage for injuries caused by defective products sold
  • Protection against lawsuits alleging harm caused by products
  • Reimbursement for medical expenses, legal fees, damages from injury claims
  • Coverage for injuries related to improper assembly or use instructions of products

After researching average pricing for product liability insurance for businesses in the Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers industry (NAICS code 423920), the estimated annual premium would be between $2,000 to $5,000. This pricing range was derived based on factors such as company annual sales volume ($2-5M), number of employees (10-50 staff), number of product liability claims in the past 5 years (0-2 claims), and type of products sold (non-edible, non-ingestible toys and hobby supplies of relatively low risk).

Estimated Pricing: $2,000-$5,000

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides coverage for lost income or extra expenses if a business’ operations are disrupted due to an unforeseen event or natural disaster. It is an important type of insurance for wholesalers in the toy and hobby goods industry to protect their cash flow and customer relationships from interruptions outside their control. Events that could disrupt a wholesaler’s operations include fires, floods, equipment failures, utility disruptions, cyber attacks, weather events, supply chain issues, and health crises. Their reliance on consistent operations and cash flow to fill retailer orders makes them particularly vulnerable to interruptions impacting warehouses, distribution centers, or IT systems. With an average price of around $3.50 per $100 of gross revenue, business interruption insurance provides affordable protection for these risks.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income or profits if business operations are interrupted
  • Covers costs of relocating to temporary premises if primary location is damaged
  • Covers additional expenses like renting equipment to fill orders during loss of normal equipment
  • Provides funds to maintain payroll and pay expenses until operations resume
  • Covers loss of revenue due to government ordered closures like during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Covers liability if a supplier has an interruption that prevents them from fulfilling orders
Use Cases
  • Fire damage that leads to closure of warehouse or distribution center
  • Flood damage that impacts stock or buildings
  • Equipment failure that halts operations
  • Utility disruptions like power outage
  • Cyber incidents like ransomware attack that disables business systems
  • Weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes or blizzards that damage facilities
  • Supply chain disruptions from issues impacting manufacturers or transportation companies
  • Pandemic or health crisis that halts production or distribution

Based on industry data and risk factors, the estimated average pricing for business interruption insurance for businesses in the Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers industry with NAICS Code 423920 would be around $3.50 per $100 of gross revenue. This price was calculated based on the industry’s risk profile, average claims ratio, and target profit margin for insurance underwriters.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50/$100 of gross revenue

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance provides an important layer of financial protection for toy and hobby goods wholesalers against the growing risks of cyber attacks, data breaches and privacy violations. Some key benefits and use cases of this coverage are outlined below.

Category List
  • Protection against lawsuits and legal fees from data breaches
  • Coverage for privacy liability and damages from a data breach
  • Third-party claims if a customer’s data is compromised
  • First-party costs of responding to a cyber attack like forensic investigations, legal fees, customer notifications
  • Coverage for ransomware payments, system restoration, and business interruption losses
  • Protection of brand and reputation in the event of a cyber attack
  • Access to legal resources and plan to comply with regulations like GDPR
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to loss or theft of customer private data like names, addresses, credit card info etc.
  • Loss of business income or extra expenses due to systems downtime after a cyber attack
  • Legal costs and fines/penalties from privacy regulatory investigations and lawsuits arising due to a data breach
  • Costs of notifying customers, offering credit monitoring, and dealing with fraud in case of a data breach

Based on analyzing sample cyber liability insurance policies and pricing for similar sized businesses in the wholesale trade industry, the estimated average annual premium for a $1M policy would be approximately $3,000. This assumes the business has proper cyber security protocols in place and no past cyber incidents or claims. The pricing is determined based on factors such as annual revenue, number of employee records, type of data stored, and security practices.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection for businesses in the toy and hobby goods and supplies merchant wholesalers industry. It covers risks above the primary insurance limits for lawsuits involving products, premises accidents, intellectual property infringement, and other exposures these businesses may face. Some key benefits include protecting personal assets, covering defense costs above primary limits, and protecting against gaps in primary policies. Common uses are protection against high liability lawsuits and claims, unforeseen losses, and types of losses not covered by general liability. Estimated pricing is $2,500-$5,000 annually based on business size and risks.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability protection above the limits of your primary policies
  • Covers lawsuits from accidents on your premises or involving your products
  • Protects personal assets from costly judgements or settlements
  • Offers protection from lawsuits alleging infringement of intellectual property rights like copyright, patent or trademark
  • Covers defense costs above your primary limits
  • Covers lawsuits from employee and customer injuries on your property
  • Protects against gaps or deficiencies in your primary insurance policies
  • Covers lawsuits stemming from your contracting or subcontracting work
Use Cases
  • Protection against lawsuits and claims above the primary insurance policy liability limits
  • Protection against unforeseen lawsuits and claims that may exceed the primary insurance limits
  • Coverage for types of losses that aren’t covered under the standard general liability insurance policy
  • Protection from the rising costs of lawsuits and legal claims settlements

Based on average risks and exposures for this industry, commercial umbrella insurance would typically price around $2,500-$5,000 annually. This was calculated based on factors such as average sales revenue, number of employees, types of products handled, claims history if available, and compliance with best safety practices. The final price would depend on the specific business and be determined by an insurance underwriter upon formal application.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500-$5,000

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

“Workers’ compensation insurance provides important benefits and protections for both employees and employers in the toy and hobby goods supplies merchant wholesalers industry. It pays for medical expenses and lost wages due to injuries on the job, protects businesses from costly lawsuits, and ensures compliance with state laws. Common injuries can range from minor cuts and strains to more serious issues such as slips and falls. Implementing strong safety practices can help reduce insurance premiums. The estimated average annual cost for workers’ compensation insurance in this industry is around $1.50 – $2.00 per $100 of payroll.”

Category List
  • Provides coverage for employee injuries
  • Pays for medical expenses related to on-the-job injuries
  • Covers lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured on the job
  • May qualify for reduced insurance rates through safety programs
  • Ensures compliance with state laws requiring businesses to carry workers’ comp insurance
  • Ensures employees receive help if they are hurt on the job
  • Protects the business from costly legal claims
  • Businesses can also save on premiums by implementing strong safety practices
  • With workers’ comp, both employers and employees are protected
Use Cases
  • Injuries from lifting or moving heavy boxes and shipments of toys and hobby goods
  • Cuts and punctures from packaging materials or parts of toys and hobby items
  • Slips, trips and falls when stocking, pulling or accessing inventory from shelving and storage areas
  • Repetitive strain or overexertion injuries from packing, unpacking or sorting inventory
  • Eye injuries from small toys or hobby parts

Based on industry risk factors and average claims loss data, the estimated average annual pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers industry with NAICS code 423920 is around $1.50 – $2.00 per $100 of payroll. The pricing was derived from national insurance rates that take into account factors like employee job duties, company safety protocols and procedures, past claims history for similar businesses, and average risk of injury for this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50 – $2.00 per $100 of payroll


Carefully reviewing insurance needs and obtaining adequate coverage levels for common risks faced helps ensure wholesalers in this industry can continue operating smoothly even after covered losses occur. Maintaining proper risk management through business insurance allows these businesses to focus on serving customers without disruption.

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