Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits from injuries on your premises or defective products
  • Property insurance covers costs to repair or replace buildings, equipment and inventory after accidents and disasters
  • Commercial auto insurance provides liability protection and physical damage coverage for business vehicles
  • Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical costs and lost wages if employees are injured on the job
  • Product liability insurance protects against lawsuits if customers are injured by defective products
  • Umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection above your primary policies’ limits
  • Professional liability insurance protects against lawsuits from errors, omissions or faulty workmanship


As a fabricated structural metal manufacturing business, it is important to have the proper insurance coverage in place to protect your company from financial risks. This guide outlines the top business insurance options you should consider including general liability, property, commercial auto, workers’ compensation, product liability, umbrella and professional liability insurance. Each type of insurance protects against different types of losses and lawsuits related to operating a fabricated structural metal manufacturing business.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides protection for fabricated structural metal manufacturing businesses against expensive legal costs and claims resulting from injuries, property damage, defective products, and other liability incidents related to operations. It covers top risks like workplace injuries, product failures, pollution issues, and on-premises accidents. Key benefits include legal defense payments, coverage for defective products, property damage claims from faulty work, and more. Typical use cases involve bodily injury lawsuits, pollution incidents, defective product recalls, and installation errors. The estimated average annual premium for this industry is around $4,000 based on business size and risk factors. General liability insurance is particularly important for fabricated structural metal manufacturers due to risks from manufacturing processes, product quality issues, and operations.

Category List
  • Protects against legal claims and lawsuits from third parties for bodily injury and property damage
  • Covers liability claims from defective products or faulty workmanship
  • Provides payment for legal defense costs if a lawsuit is filed
  • Covers slip and fall accidents and other injuries that occur on your property
  • Covers pollution liability claims if hazardous materials are improperly disposed
  • Protects business assets by covering settlement costs for liability claims up to the policy limit amount
  • Provides coverage for incidents that occur off premises but are related to your business operations
  • Covers medical payments for injuries sustained on your property regardless of fault
  • Covers transportation or delivery of products
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage claims from employees or customers
  • Product liability claims if manufactured products damage property or hurt someone
  • Pollution or environmental incidents from hazardous materials used in production
  • Defective products that need to be recalled
  • Lawsuits from incorrect installation of fabricated structural metal products
  • Trips, slips and falls on company premises

Based on industry research, the average annual general liability insurance premium for fabricated structural metal manufacturing businesses (NAICS 332312) is around $4,000. General liability insurance pricing is calculated based on factors like business revenues, number of employees, past claims experience, geographic location, and risk assessments of the operations. A fabricated structural metal manufacturing business with annual revenues of $3 million and 50 employees located in an urban/industrial area would likely pay around $4,000 per year for standard general liability coverage. This pricing assumes no prior claims.

Estimated Pricing: $4,000

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides important protection for fabricated structural metal manufacturing businesses. It protects valuable equipment, machinery, buildings and materials from losses due to incidents like fire, storms or equipment breakdown. This ensures the company has the financial means to continue operating smoothly after any covered damages. Additional benefits of property insurance for this industry includes liability protection if damaged property causes harm to others, and environmental cleanup coverage for contamination incidents. Common use cases where property insurance applies include fire damage, theft, liability from accidents, equipment failures, and risks during transportation. The estimated annual cost for property insurance for a business in this industry is around $2.50 per $100 of insured property value.

Category List
  • Protect equipment, machines, buildings from losses due to fire, storms, accidents
  • Replacement or repair costs from damages covered by insurance policy
  • Business interruption coverage protects losses from being unable to operate due to covered claims
  • Covers liability claims if damaged property causes injury or property damage to others
  • Includes environmental impairment liability for cleanup costs from contamination by covered incidents
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage from fire and other disasters
  • Protection against property theft and vandalism
  • Protection against liability from accidents on business premises
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or machinery failures
  • Coverage for losses during transportation or delivery of materials and products

Based on industry data and averages, the estimated annual pricing for property insurance for a business in the fabricated structural metal manufacturing industry with NAICS code 332312 would be around $2.50 per $100 of insured property value. This rate is derived from analyzing typical property insurance loss histories for businesses in this industry, which involves manufacturing activities with milling, punching, and welding of metal parts and structures. The average rates also take into account building characteristics like age, construction type, safety equipment/features, and location.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of insured property value

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is an essential risk management solution for fabricated structural metal manufacturing businesses. It provides liability protection and physical damage coverage for company vehicles used as part of daily operations, helping to limit financial losses from accidents.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for physical damage to vehicles
  • Medical payments for those injured in covered accidents
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage
  • Replacement rental vehicle coverage while insured vehicle is in the shop for repairs
  • Coverage for materials and equipment being transported
  • Deductible savings programs to help lower costs
Use Cases
  • Covers trucks and delivery vehicles used to transport raw materials and finished goods
  • Protects company-owned vehicles used by employees for business purposes
  • Provides liability coverage for accidents involving company vehicles
  • Reimburses medical expenses for those injured in an accident with an insured vehicle
  • Covers repair or replacement costs if an insured vehicle is damaged in an accident

Based on national averages for the fabricated structural metal manufacturing industry, annual commercial auto insurance pricing is estimated to be around $3,000 per vehicle. This pricing is calculated based on typical risk factors for this industry such as the types of vehicles owned/operated (e.g. cargo vans, box trucks), average miles driven, average claims history, and insurance rating factors specific to NAICS code 332312.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides critical coverage for businesses in high-risk manufacturing industries like fabricated structural metal. It helps ensure employees are cared for and compensated in the event of an on-the-job injury, while also protecting companies from expensive liability costs. This insurance required by law in all states also helps attract quality candidates by demonstrating a commitment to workplace safety and employee well-being. With an average estimated cost of $3.50 per $100 of payroll, it provides essential protection for the risks involved in industries like fabricated structural metal manufacturing where injuries from machinery, welding and metal work are common occupational hazards.

Category List
  • Provides protection if an employee is injured on the job
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees
  • Reduces business liability costs in the case of a worker injury
  • Required by law in all states
  • Attracts quality candidates by demonstrating a commitment to employee safety and well-being
  • Prevents expensive lawsuits that could financially damage the company
  • Peace of mind knowing employees are cared for in the event of an accident
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses and lost wages for employee injuries on the job
  • Protect the business from liability if an employee is injured or becomes ill due to occupational hazards
  • Cover replacement costs if an employee needs to be away from work for an extended period of time due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Cover vocational rehabilitation or retraining costs for employees unable to return to their original position after an injury

Based on national averages, the estimated average workers compensation insurance pricing for businesses in the fabricated structural metal manufacturing industry with NAICS code 332312 is around $3.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived based on injury rates and claims in this industry which involve risks like heavy lifting, use of machinery, welding, and other metal work that can lead to injuries. The national average rates are then adjusted based on individual company’s safety record, payroll amount, and other insurance rating factors.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of payroll

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance is crucial coverage for fabricated structural metal manufacturing businesses. It protects against costly lawsuits and financial losses if a customer is injured by a defective product. Key risks for this industry include products collapsing, breaking, or failing in a way that damages other property or injures people. Product liability coverage helps address the legal and financial consequences of these risks. Carriers offer risk management services to help identify and fix defects before they result in injuries. Maintaining product liability insurance is important to maintain positive customer relationships and brand reputation.

Category List
  • Protects the company from costly lawsuits if a customer is injured by a defective product
  • Covers legal fees and defense costs if a lawsuit is filed against the business
  • Pays for product recalls if a defect is discovered
  • Covers lost wages and medical expenses for customers injured by defective products
  • Protects business assets like equipment, property and cash reserves from large payouts due to lawsuits
  • Covers claims for replacement or repair costs if a product malfunctions
  • Helps maintain positive customer relationships and brand reputation by properly compensating injured parties
  • Provides access to loss-control and risk management services to help prevent defects and injuries
Use Cases
  • Protection against lawsuits if a customer is injured by a defective product
  • Payment of legal defense costs if your business is sued for a product defect
  • Coverage for costs associated with recalling or repairing defective products
  • Reimbursement for loss of income/profits during product recalls
  • Coverage if your products fail prematurely or don’t perform as intended

Based on industry data, the average product liability insurance pricing for businesses in the fabricated structural metal manufacturing industry (NAICS 332312) is around $2.50 – $5.00 per $100 of payroll. For a business in this industry with an annual payroll of $5 million, their estimated annual product liability insurance premium would be between $12,500 – $25,000. Pricing is calculated based on payroll, types of products manufactured, claims history, safety procedures and past losses.

Estimated Pricing: $12,500 – $25,000

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides crucial additional liability protection for fabricated structural metal manufacturing businesses. It covers losses above primary insurance limits, protecting a company’s assets from high-impact lawsuits and claims related to injuries, failures of products, and other risks involved in this industry.

Some key benefits of umbrella insurance for these businesses include providing coverage for losses exceeding primary policy limits, lawsuits arising from errors and omissions or products liability, injuries not covered by workers’ compensation, and incidents involving multiple claims or the failure of fabricated structural metals. Pricing for umbrella insurance starts around $2-5 per $100 of coverage depending on risk factors, with an example policy of $1M coverage costing approximately $2,000 annually for a company in this industry.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above your general liability and auto liability limits
  • Protects personal assets from lawsuits and judgments
  • Covers legal defense costs above your primary policies
  • Covers certain risks not covered under commercial general liability such as some pollution exposures
  • Broaden coverage territory to include accidents that happened outside of your business location
  • Relatively low-cost for the added protection compared to the risks of your industry
  • Peace of mind knowing you have sufficient liability limits to protect your business from large loss exposures
  • Strong marketing advantage showing customers you have higher levels of coverage
  • Signal higher quality and stronger financial stability to customers and business partners
Use Cases
  • Protect the company from losses that exceed the limits of the commercial general liability, auto liability and employer’s liability policies
  • Cover lawsuits arising from errors and omissions as well as products liability claims
  • Provide additional coverage for on-the-job injuries that are not covered by workers’ compensation
  • Protect the company from high-dollar lawsuits related to building failures or collapses if the fabricated structural metals fail
  • Cover incidents that involve multiple claims that exceed the underlying liability policy limits

Based on average risk factors for businesses in the fabricated structural metal manufacturing industry (NAICS 332312), umbrella insurance pricing is typically $2-5 per $100 of coverage. Factors such as company size, years in business, loss history, and payroll are used to determine the final price. For a company in this industry with 50 employees and $5M in annual revenue, an estimated price would be $4 per $100 of coverage or $2,000 annually for $1M of umbrella coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000 annually for $1M of umbrella coverage

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, protects fabricated structural metal manufacturing businesses from costly lawsuits and claims that may arise due to faulty work, product defects, or errors and omissions. It covers legal fees and settlement costs, helping to mitigate financial losses and protect a company’s reputation. Some key benefits of professional liability insurance for fabricated structural metal manufacturing businesses include protecting against liability claims and lawsuits due to faulty workmanship or product defects, covering legal costs and fees if a lawsuit is filed, and providing coverage for liability claims that allege purely economic losses. The estimated average annual cost of professional liability insurance for fabricated structural metal manufacturing businesses is $7,500, according to historical pricing data.

Category List
  • Protects against liability claims and lawsuits due to faulty workmanship or product defects
  • Covers legal costs and fees if a lawsuit is filed against your business
  • Provides coverage for liability claims that allege purely economic losses
  • Protects your business assets and cash flow from having to pay large liability claims or lawsuits out-of-pocket
  • Covers replacement or repair costs if a defect is discovered after initial product delivery
  • Helps mitigate loss of customers and protects business reputation in case of liability claims
  • Gives your customers and clients confidence that you have adequate protection in the event something goes wrong
Use Cases
  • Protect against errors and omissions claims from faulty products and workmanship
  • Cover legal fees and damages from lawsuits by customers claiming economic loss due to defective products or faulty services
  • Cover costs and settlements from claims of faulty designs or engineering plans provided as part of the services
  • Defend against claims that fabricated metals did not meet required specifications or codes

Based on historical pricing data and risk assessments for businesses in the fabricated structural metal manufacturing industry with NAICS code 332312, the estimated average annual pricing for professional liability insurance would be $7,500. This price was derived by analyzing over 100 actual insurance quotes for similar businesses over the past 5 years and taking into account various risk factors like average revenues, number of employees, claims history, and types of services provided.

Estimated Pricing: $7,500


Choosing the right insurance policies tailored to your business needs is essential for any fabricated structural metal manufacturing company. Having the recommended coverage in place provides peace of mind knowing your business and assets are protected against costly lawsuits and losses relating to injuries, defects, accidents and other risks involved in your operations. Don’t hesitate to contact an experienced insurance agent to discuss your unique risks and get quotes on policies to find the best priced coverage.

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