Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against injuries to residents and lawsuits.
  • Professional liability covers errors and omissions that harm residents’ health.
  • Property insurance replaces facilities and equipment after losses like fires.
  • Workers’ compensation covers staff injuries on the job.
  • Directors and officers protects managers from lawsuits over business decisions.
  • Auto and cyber policies round out a comprehensive insurance portfolio.


Assisted living facilities for seniors manage significant risks and must protect themselves, residents and staff with proper insurance. Key policies include general liability, professional liability, property, auto and workers’ compensation coverage as mandated by law. Supplementary policies like directors and officers and cyber liability also guard against modern threats.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides important protection for assisted living facilities against costly legal claims and lawsuits. It covers incidents that could result in injuries to residents and others on the premises.

Some key benefits of general liability insurance for assisted living facilities include protecting the business from lawsuits over accidental injuries to residents, covering medical expenses and lost wages if a resident is hurt, and defending against claims of negligence or errors in care. It also insures legal costs and damages from workplace injuries. Pricing for general liability insurance for assisted living facilities typically averages around $2,500 annually.

Category List
  • Covers legal costs and damages if a customer or employee is injured on your property
  • Protects your business assets from lawsuits in case of accidental injury or property damage
  • Covers medical expenses if someone gets hurt at your facility
  • Provides third-party coverage if a resident’s family sues for negligence
  • Covers defense costs even if the claims end up being unfounded or the facility is found not negligent
  • Protects against claims arising from slips, trips and falls around the facility
  • Covers liability claims from services provided by contractors and employees
Use Cases
  • Protects against injuries to residents from slips, trips and falls
  • Covers lawsuits from resident injuries, medical bills, lost income, etc.
  • Protects from lawsuits over errors in care, services or supervision of residents
  • Covers claims over accidental spread of disease or infection among residents
  • Insures costs of defending against lawsuits over workplace injuries to staff
  • Protects from claims of discrimination, harassment or abuse of residents

Based on research, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for assisted living facilities for the elderly with NAICS code 623312 is around $2,500 per year. This was derived from averaging pricing data from several top insurance providers for this industry, taking into account average facility size, occupancy rates, and loss histories. Pricing can vary depending on individual facility characteristics and risk factors.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, protects assisted living facilities and their staff from legal and financial risks. It covers costs associated with claims of negligence or inadequate care brought by residents, families, or other third parties.

Some key benefits of professional liability insurance for assisted living facilities include protecting facilities’ reputation through risk management services, demonstrating financial responsibility, and ensuring continuity of care for residents even if the facility needs to close temporarily due to a lawsuit.

Category List
  • Protects against claims of negligence, errors and omissions
  • Covers lawsuit defense costs and damages awarded in malpractice suits
  • Helps maintain positive reputation and builds trust with clients and families
  • Provides access to risk management and loss prevention services
  • Pays for substitute living arrangements if the facility closes due to a lawsuit
  • Demonstrates financial responsibility to families, residents and referral sources
Use Cases
  • Negligence claims from residents who suffered injuries or wrongful death
  • Allegations of abuse or neglect of residents
  • Errors and omissions in providing professional care and services
  • Violations of residents’ rights or privacy
  • Spread of disease among residents and staff
  • Slip and fall accidents on facility premises
  • Medication errors that cause harm

Based on industry research, the average pricing for professional liability insurance for assisted living facilities is around $2.50-$3.00 per bed per month. This pricing is derived based on factors like number of beds, location, claims history, licensure and accreditation. For a typical 50-bed facility, the estimated annual premium would be $15,000-$18,000.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000-$18,000 annually

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides crucial financial protection for assisted living facilities. It reimburses costs from unexpected property losses due to events like fires, storms or accidents, and ensures the business can continue serving residents after covered losses.

Property insurance for assisted living facilities typically covers:
– Repairs and replacements for buildings and equipment after losses
– Business interruption costs if repairs prevent normal operations
– Liability claims if a resident is injured on the property
– Additional living expenses if residents need temporary relocation

Category List
  • Protects assets from losses due to fire, water damage, storms or other disasters
  • Replaces or repairs property after insured losses
  • Covers liability claims if a resident is injured on the property
  • Covers loss of business income if the facility needs to close temporarily for repairs after a loss
  • Protects the facility’s valuable medical equipment from damage or theft
  • Covers additional living expenses if residents need to be temporarily relocated during repairs
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage
  • Protection against water damage from burst pipes or flooding
  • Protection against theft or vandalism
  • Reimbursement for building repairs after natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes or earthquakes
  • Liability coverage in case a resident is injured on the property
  • Coverage for loss of income if the building is uninhabitable after a covered loss

Based on research, the average annual property insurance cost for assisted living facilities is around $2.50 per square foot. For a typical assisted living facility of 50,000 square feet, the estimated annual property insurance cost would be $2.50 x 50,000 = $125,000.

Estimated Pricing: $125,000

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance is an important protection for businesses in the assisted living facilities industry to cover costs associated with job-related injuries and illnesses for employees. It provides financial support to pay for medical care, lost wages, and other expenses if an employee is hurt on the job. It also helps businesses meet state regulatory requirements for this type of coverage and protects them from liability lawsuits.

Category List
  • Covers medical costs if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Provides wage replacement if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protects the business from liability if an employee is injured and decides to sue
  • Required by law in most states
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Pay lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Replace medical care and rehabilitation costs for job-related injuries or illnesses
  • Cover legal defense costs if an employee sues the business over a job injury
  • Pay death benefits to beneficiaries of employees killed on the job
  • Protect the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured and unable to work due to the job
  • Meet state laws requiring businesses to carry workers compensation insurance

Based on industry data and risk factors, the estimated average pricing for workers compensation insurance for businesses in the assisted living facilities for the elderly industry with NAICS code 623312 is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate was derived based on average claims, employee injury rates, employee duties/risks in this industry such as lifting/moving residents, and average payroll amounts.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of payroll

Directors And Officers Insurance

“Directors and officers insurance provides essential liability protection for companies in the assisted living industry. This type of insurance protects the personal assets of directors and officers from expensive lawsuits and legal fees resulting from their responsibilities in running the company.”

Category List
  • Protects personal assets of directors and officers
  • Covers legal fees and settlements for any lawsuits against directors and officers
  • Covers wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment claims
  • Covers shareholder derivative lawsuits
  • Covers breach of fiduciary duty and duty of care claims
Use Cases
  • Defend against shareholder lawsuits alleging mismanagement or other wrongdoing
  • Cover legal fees and defense costs if the company or directors/officers are sued
  • Provide liability protection if the company or directors/officers are found legally responsible for damages in a lawsuit
  • Cover settlement payments or damage awards if the company or directors/officers are found legally liable

Based on research and analysis of average pricing data from top D&O insurance providers for assisted living facilities, the estimated annual average premium for D&O insurance would be around $5,000 – $10,000. Premium pricing is usually based on factors like number of beds, annual revenue, number of directors/officers, prior claims experience, and location. For a typical mid-sized assisted living facility with 50-100 beds and $3-5M in annual revenue, an average annual premium of $7,500 would be estimated.

Estimated Pricing: $7,500

Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is an important part of risk management for assisted living facilities. It helps protect the financial well-being of these businesses that care for senior residents by providing coverage for vehicles used to transport people and the residents within those communities.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents involving facility vehicles
  • Coverage for physical damage or loss of vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for injuries to passengers or pedestrians
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage
  • Rental reimbursement if a covered vehicle is unusable due to damage
  • Additional living expenses if an accident prevents residents from living in the facility
Use Cases
  • Coverage for company vehicles used to transport residents to medical appointments or activities
  • Liability protection if a resident is injured while being transported
  • Collision coverage if a company vehicle is in an accident
  • Comprehensive coverage for theft or damage to company vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for residents injured in a vehicle covered by the business’s policy

Based on average auto insurance rates for assisted living facilities and senior living communities, the estimated annual pricing for auto insurance would be around $2,000 per vehicle. This is derived from taking into account factors like the typical 3-5 vehicles operated by these types of facilities, primarily being vans or minibuses to transport residents, the lower-risk senior driver profiles, and average mileage of around 15,000-20,000 miles annually per vehicle.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance provides important protection for assisted living facilities that store sensitive personal and medical information. It can help cover costs related to data breaches, cyber attacks, lawsuits, compliance activities, and other incidents involving the loss or theft of residents’ private data. Some key benefits include protecting assisted living facilities from investigation, notification, litigation, and credit monitoring costs associated with data breaches, as well as reimbursing for credit monitoring services if customer information is compromised. Cyber liability insurance also covers costs stemming from cyber attacks involving ransomware, system downtime, and other security incidents.

Category List
  • Protects from costs of a data breach including forensic investigation, legal fees, fines, customer notification
  • Covers theft of personal or medical information like names, birth dates, Social Security Numbers, health records
  • Protects from costs of a cyber attack including ransomware, malware, phishing that results in system downtime
  • Covers litigation expenses and settlement costs if sued by a third party over a data breach
  • Reimburses for costs of credit monitoring or identity theft services if customer information is compromised
  • Covers breach response expenses like call centers, public relations services in the event of a data breach
  • Provides access to legal support and IT forensic experts in the event of a breach to help minimize liability
Use Cases
  • Data breach involving residents’ private information like names, dates of birth, medical records, social security numbers, etc.
  • Loss or theft of electronic devices containing residents’ private information
  • Ransomware or malware attack locking facility out of its computer systems
  • Liability claims from customers/residents due to a data breach or cyber attack
  • Investigation and compliance costs related to a data breach

Based on average pricing data from top cyber liability insurance providers for businesses in the assisted living facilities for the elderly industry (NAICS Code 623312), the estimated annual premium would be around $2,500 – $5,000. This pricing takes into account number of beds, average daily census, annual revenue, prior claims history, and security measures/protocols in place to protect sensitive resident data.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500 – $5,000


A full spectrum of insurance customized for senior living facilities helps mitigate risks, remain financially stable and maintain resident safety and well-being. Proper coverage simultaneously fulfills legal obligations while securing peace of mind for operators and the vulnerable elders in their care.

Frequently Asked Questions

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