Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against third party claims for bodily injury and property damage.
  • Commercial property insurance covers costs to repair or rebuild damaged property and lost income from operations disruptions.
  • Commercial auto insurance provides liability protection as well as physical damage coverage for company vehicles.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance gives medical benefits and wage replacement to injured employees.
  • Marine liability insurance protects against lawsuits over incidents involving vessels and docking activities.
  • Environmental impairment liability covers pollution cleanup and liability costs from accidental hazardous material releases.
  • Professional liability protects from errors & omissions claims over services provided like towing and salvage.


Businesses operating in the support activities for water transportation industry with NAICS code 4883 face a variety of risks that require important business insurance protections. This article covers the top insurance policies these companies should carry including general liability, commercial property, auto, workers’ compensation and other specialized coverages tailored to this industry.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an essential policy for businesses in the support activities for water transportation industry to protect against third party claims of bodily injury, property damage, and legal costs arising from their operations. It provides coverage for a variety of risks these businesses may face such as slip and fall injuries on premises, cargo handling incidents, and pollution from portside operations. The average estimated annual premium for a small business in this industry with 5 employees and $500,000 annual payroll would be $3,500.

Category List
  • Protection against third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage
  • Defense costs covered if a claim is filed against your business
  • Covers your business in the event an employee or customer is injured on your premises
  • Protects against lawsuits involving slip and fall accidents on your property
  • Covers liability claims arising from contracted work or subcontractors
  • Provides coverage for your business assets and equipment
  • Covers legal costs if a lawsuit is filed against your business
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage liability
  • Slip and fall injuries sustained on the premises
  • Damage to customer or third party property
  • Pollution liability from port operations
  • Cargo handling operations
  • Equipment or machinery malfunctions or failures
  • Product liability claims for defective equipment serviced or sold
  • Professional liability for incidents arising from services provided such as pilotage, tugboat operations, etc.
  • Employer’s liability for job-related injuries to employees

Based on industry research, the average pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the Support Activities for Water Transportation industry (NAICS Code: 4883) is derived from factors such as payroll, number of employees, type of operations. For a small business in this industry with 5 employees and $500,000 annual payroll, the estimated annual premium would be $3,500.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance plays a crucial role in protecting the physical assets and business operations of companies in the support activities for water transportation industry. It covers repairs and replacement costs when facilities, equipment or other property suffer damage from events like fires, storms or accidents. This financial protection allows these businesses to continue serving their clients and generating revenue after covered losses occur.

In addition to protecting physical property, commercial property insurance also provides liability coverage to protect businesses from lawsuits if a third party is injured on their premises. It also covers loss of income or extra expenses if operations are disrupted by a covered cause of loss so the business can stay afloat financially. Given the nature of operations involving heavy equipment near water, coverage for valuable mobile assets like cranes, forklifts and trucks is also important.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage from fire, wind, hail, or other causes covered by the policy
  • Reimbursement for loss of income if the property can’t be used because of a covered damage
  • Liability coverage in case someone gets injured on your property and sues for damages
  • Replacement cost coverage to rebuild or repair the property to its original condition after a loss
  • Equipment breakdown coverage to protect against losses from explosion or damage of critical business equipment like boilers
  • Valuable papers and records coverage to replace or restore important documents destroyed in a covered loss
  • Inflation protection to adjust coverage limits annually to account for rising rebuilding costs
  • Security/crime coverage for damage from criminal acts like burglary or employee theft
Use Cases
  • Protection against loss or damage to owned buildings, structures, and equipment
  • Coverage for loss of income or extra expenses if operations are disrupted by a covered cause of loss
  • Liability protection if a third party is injured on your premises or if your operations result in property damage
  • Coverage for valuable equipment like cranes, forklifts, trucks and other mobile equipment used in operations

Based on industry data, the average pricing for commercial property insurance for businesses in the support activities for water transportation with NAICS code 4883 is usually $2.50-$3.50 per $100 of insured property value. This rate is derived based on the risk factors associated with this industry such as proximity to water, risks of flooding/damage from storms/accidents involving ships. The rate also takes into account factors like property claims history, risk management practices, and security/fire prevention measures in place.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50-$3.50 per $100 of insured property value

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is an essential protection for businesses in the support activities for water transportation industry. It shields companies from costly lawsuits, vehicle repairs, and medical expenses if any incidents occur while operating vehicles for business purposes.

In addition to liability, physical damage, and medical payments coverage, commercial auto insurance also provides important added benefits like hired and non-owned auto coverage to protect businesses when employees or contractors use personal vehicles for work. It is estimated that the average annual commercial auto insurance pricing for this industry would be around $2,500 per vehicle.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Physical damage coverage for company vehicles
  • Coverage for business use of personal vehicles
  • Emergency roadside assistance
  • Additional insured endorsement
  • Medical payments coverage
  • Hired and non-owned auto coverage
Use Cases
  • Coverage for company vehicles like trucks and vans used to transport workers and equipment
  • Liability coverage in case an employee gets into an accident while on company business
  • Physical damage coverage to repair or replace a vehicle if it’s damaged in an accident
  • Medical payments coverage for injured parties in an accident involving a commercial vehicle

After analyzing several factors such as types of vehicles used, average number of vehicles, typical miles driven, past claims experience, risk level of the industry, we estimate the average annual commercial auto insurance pricing for this industry to be around $2,500 per vehicle. This pricing was derived based on most businesses in this industry using trucks and other work vehicles that drive around 15,000-20,000 miles annually for transporting equipment and performing various support activities. The risk level for this industry is moderate given the type of vehicles used and annual miles. No additional rating factors were found to impact the pricing significantly.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is an important coverage that provides benefits to employees injured on the job and protects employers from full liability costs. It ensures employees in the support activities for water transportation industry receive medical care and wage replacement when recovering from work-related injuries while complying with state laws. The top benefits also include reduced absenteeism and attraction of quality job applicants since the coverage is an important employee benefit. Pricing for the industry is estimated at around $2.50 per $100 of payroll.

Category List
  • Provides medical benefits and wage replacement for employees injured on the job
  • Protects your business from lawsuits if an employee is injured
  • Complies with state laws requiring businesses to carry workers’ comp insurance
  • Reduces absenteeism and boosts employee morale knowing they are protected
  • Attracts quality job applicants since the coverage is a valuable employee benefit
  • Saves money versus paying for injuries out-of-pocket which can be very expensive
  • Included as part of an effective risk management strategy for the industry
Use Cases
  • Coverage for on-the-job injuries
  • Coverage for occupational diseases
  • Medical benefits for work-related injuries or illnesses
  • Wage replacement for missed time at work due to injury or illness
  • Vocational rehabilitation benefits
  • Coverage for death benefits to families of employees killed on the job

After reviewing workers’ compensation insurance rates for the support activities for water transportation industry (NAICS 4883), the estimated average pricing would be around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate is derived based on the risk level associated with the type of work in this industry, which involves activities such as pilots, tugboat, dredging, ferry and similar support operations for water transportation. The risk of injuries is moderate compared to some other industries.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/100 payroll

Marine Liability Insurance

Marine liability insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the support activities for water transportation industry to protect themselves from costly lawsuits and fulfill contractual obligations. It provides protection from third-party claims of property damage, bodily injury and cargo losses that could occur during port, docking or vessel navigation operations. Additional important uses of marine liability insurance include coverage for environmental damage from spills or releases, defense costs if sued for incidents at ports or docks, and wreck removal if a vessel sinks or becomes abandoned.

Category List
  • Protects against third-party claims for bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers legal costs and settlements in the event of a lawsuit
  • Covers claims from passengers, crew members, dock workers and more
  • Provides coverage for non-owned watercraft like towed barges or rented boats
  • Covers pollution claims for accidental spill or release during operations
  • Covers contractual liability if a contract requires you to carry insurance
  • Covers your obligations to indemnify others through ‘additional insured’ endorsements
Use Cases
  • Protection against third party property damage or bodily injury claims from vessel operation
  • Coverage for spills/releases that cause environmental damage
  • Defense costs if sued for property damage or bodily injury from port or dock operations
  • Coverage for wreck removal if a vessel sinks, grounds or is abandoned
  • Coverage for cargo legal liability if cargo is damaged during transport or handling

Based on industry data and risk factors, the estimated average annual pricing for marine liability insurance for businesses in the support activities for water transportation industry (NAICS Code 4883) would be around $15,000. This price is derived based on factors such as the types of services provided, number of employees, annual revenue, ownership of water vessels or equipment, claims history, and safety record.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000

Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance

Environmental impairment liability insurance offers important risk protection for businesses in the support activities for water transportation industry (NAICS Code 4883). This type of insurance helps cover costs from accidental releases of hazardous materials into the environment, as well as legal expenses and third-party claims that may arise. It can also provide funds to remediate any unknown existing contamination that is discovered on insured properties. Some key benefits of this insurance for these businesses include covering cleanup costs if spills or accidents occur during operations like fuel storage and handling, and protection from regulatory fines and penalties if environmental violations take place. Average estimated pricing for this line of coverage is between $15,000-$25,000 annually.

Category List
  • Covers costs of cleanup if hazardous materials are accidentally released into the environment
  • Protects assets by covering legal costs and claims in the event of a lawsuit over environmental damage
  • Ensures compliance with environmental regulations by providing funds to remediate contamination
  • Covers bodily injury or property damage claims from third parties affected by environmental pollution
  • Provides access to qualified legal defense teams in the event of an environmental lawsuit
  • Covers costs from past environmental contamination that is discovered after the policy period
Use Cases
  • Pollution from operations like fuel storage and handling
  • Cleanup of hazardous materials if there is an accident or spill
  • Third-party claims of property damage or bodily injury from pollution
  • Regulatory fines and penalties from environmental violations
  • Remediation of existing unknown contamination discovered on property

Based on an analysis of average risks and claims in this industry, the estimated annual pricing for environmental impairment liability insurance would be around $15,000-$25,000. Risks in this industry include fuel spills, chemical spills, and other environmental accidents during transportation and support activities. The pricing was derived from insurance rates that factor in company size, past environmental incidents, types of hazardous materials handled, number of vessels operated, and safety precautions/certifications in place.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000-$25,000

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, provides vital protection for businesses in the support activities for water transportation industry. It helps cover legal costs and damages from negligence claims over services like towing, salvage, loading/unloading, repairs and others. Key benefits include protecting from lawsuits, covering defense costs, damages from proven liability claims, and maintaining peace of mind. Common use cases it addresses are errors/omissions in services, property damage during operations, bodily injury claims from incidents, and environmental damage if hazardous materials are involved. Estimated annual premiums for businesses in this industry are $2,000-$5,000 depending on factors like revenue, employees, risk level, and claims history.

Category List
  • Protects your business from lawsuits alleging professional errors and omissions
  • Covers legal fees to defend against a lawsuit
  • Covers damages awarded in a lawsuit if proven liable
  • Provides peace of mind knowing you have coverage should an incident occur
  • Covers loss of income or extra expenses incurred while defending a claim
  • Protects the business reputation and helps maintain client trust
  • Covers bodily injury or property damage claims resulting from professional services
  • Limits your financial responsibility in the event of a claim
Use Cases
  • Errors and omissions for services provided such as towing and salvage
  • Property damage or cargo loss while performing services such as loading/unloading or repairs
  • Bodily injury claims for incidents during services such as accidents during towing operations
  • Environmental damage claims if hazardous materials are involved during services like clean-up or salvage

Based on research on average pricing for professional liability insurance for businesses in the support activities for water transportation industry with NAICS code 4883, the estimated annual premium would be around $2,000-$5,000. Factors that influence pricing include annual revenue, number of employees, claims history, and risk level of services provided. For a small to mid-sized business in this industry with under 50 employees and $5M annual revenue, no prior claims, and moderate risk level services, the average estimated annual premium would be $3,500.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500


Proper business insurance coverage provides essential risk management for companies in the support activities for water transportation industry. The insurance policies discussed in this guide help shield businesses financially against costly lawsuits, repairs, lost income and other risks inherent to their operations. Maintaining adequate protection with these key coverages ensures companies can withstand unexpected events and continue serving customers smoothly.

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