Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against injuries, property damage and faulty work
  • Commercial property coverage repairs or replaces buildings and equipment after losses
  • Workers’ comp provides medical care and wages if employees are injured on the job
  • Business auto protects contractors that rely on commercial vehicles
  • Professional liability covers lawsuits from errors and omissions
  • Commercial umbrella provides additional liability protection above primary policies
  • Cyber insurance addresses risks from data breaches and cyber attacks


As a specialty trade contractor, properly insuring your business operations is crucial. A variety of risks are inherent in construction and contracting work like potential injuries on job sites, damage to customer properties, vehicle accidents, and liability exposures. By understanding the key business insurance policies that address these risks, contractors can make informed decisions to protect their livelihoods and balance sheets.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the other specialty trade contractors industry. It protects them from a variety of risks and lawsuits that may arise due to their construction and contracting operations. Some key benefits of general liability insurance for contractors in this industry include protecting them from costs associated with accidents or injuries at job sites, liability claims from faulty workmanship or products, legal defense costs if sued by a third party, and claims that arise after work is completed. The top use cases where this insurance provides protection involve lawsuits resulting from worker injuries, property damage to customer properties, injuries from contractor work or equipment, damage to other materials during installations. The estimated average annual premium for this type of coverage is around $1,750 based on payroll and other risk factors.

Category List
  • Protects your business from costs associated with accidents or injuries at your job site
  • Covers liability claims from faulty workmanship or products
  • Covers legal defense costs if you’re sued by a third party
  • Includes protection from liability claims that arise after your work is completed (completed operations coverage)
  • Covers your business from claims of damage to customer property during your work
Use Cases
  • Protect from lawsuits if a worker gets injured on the job
  • Protect from lawsuits if the contractor’s work damages a customer’s property
  • Protect from lawsuits if someone gets injured from the contractor’s work or equipment
  • Protect from lawsuits if the contractor’s work damages other materials or property during installation
  • Protect from lawsuits arising from faulty workmanship or defective products

Based on data from the Insurance Information Institute, the average general liability insurance premium for specialty trade contractors in NAICS code 2389 is approximately $1,750 per year. This was calculated using factors like average payroll, number of employees, types of work conducted. Payroll is a key factor in determining rates for contractors since it is correlated to risk level.

Estimated Pricing: $1,750

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance is an essential coverage for contractors in the specialty trade industry to protect their business assets and properties from losses. It provides replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild buildings and equipment after covered accidents or disasters so contractors can get back to work.

Some key benefits of commercial property insurance for contractors include covering equipment breakdown, loss of income if operations are suspended, general liability protection, and additional living expenses if a location needs to be moved after a loss. Coverage is also provided for losses from accidents during work on customer properties.

Category List
  • Covers damage or loss to buildings and business personal property
  • Covers equipment breakdown and machinery failures
  • Covers loss of income if business must suspend operations after covered loss
  • Covers liability in case of injuries on your premises or contractor accidents that occur while on the job
  • Covers additional expenses to continue operating if you have to move locations after a covered loss
  • Covers fungus, wet or dry rot, or bacteria resulting from a covered loss
  • Provides replacement cost coverage to repair or replace damaged property
  • Covers debris removal after a covered loss
  • Covers theft or vandalism to property
  • Covers glass breakage on windows and doors
Use Cases
  • Protect building and equipment from fire, wind, hail and other natural disasters
  • Cover theft or vandalism losses for property
  • Provide coverage for water damage from burst pipes or other malfunctions
  • Replace equipment if it is stolen or damaged
  • Rebuild structure if it is destroyed
  • Cover losses from accidents or mistakes during work that damage customer property

Based on industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial property insurance for businesses in the specialty trade contractors industry (NAICS 2389) is $2,500. This pricing was derived from insurance quotes for contractors doing work such as foundation, structure, and building exterior contractors. The pricing takes into account industry risk factors as well as average property values and coverages needed for contractors in this industry performing work on commercial job sites.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is a vital business expense for contractors in the specialty trade industry. It provides medical coverage and lost wages for injured employees, protects the company from costly lawsuits, and promotes safety to reduce accidents. Additionally, it is legally required in most states, attracts quality job applicants, helps retain existing staff, and offers benefits even when injuries are partially the worker’s fault. Rates are determined based on risk factors for the industry’s inherent occupational hazards in areas like plumbing, electrical work, and painting or finishing work.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protects the business from expensive lawsuits if an employee is injured and decides to take legal action
  • Required by law in all states except Texas (employers must provide benefits or insurance for job-related injuries)
  • Offers loss control and safety training programs to help reduce workplace accidents and prevent future claims
  • Provides return-to-work programs to help injured employees recover and get back on the job faster
  • Reduces absenteeism costs by enabling injured staff to return to work as soon as it is medically advised
  • Attracts quality applicants and boosts employee retention by demonstrating a commitment to staff well-being
Use Cases
  • Covering medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Covering lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Covering permanent disability benefits if an employee suffers long-term or permanent effects from a job injury
  • Covering accidental death benefits if an employee passes away from a job injury or illness

The average estimated pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the NAICS Code 2389 (Other Specialty Trade Contractors) industry is around $2.40 per $100 of payroll. This rate was derived based on historical claim data and risk factors for this industry, which involves activities like plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, electrical work, painting, and other building finishing work. The risk of injuries is moderate compared to some other construction industries.

Estimated Pricing: $2.40/C100 of payroll

Business Auto Insurance

Business auto insurance is an essential type of coverage for businesses in the other specialty trade contractors industry that rely on commercial vehicles. It provides important liability protection and coverage for repairs or replacements if vehicles are damaged. Having the proper auto insurance also helps protect contractors financially in the event of an accident by covering costs of repairs, liability claims and replacement of total loss vehicles. The estimated average annual premium for business auto insurance for businesses in this industry is around $1,500 per vehicle.

Category List
  • Liability protection if an employee is in an accident while driving a company vehicle
  • Coverage if a company vehicle is damaged or stolen
  • Medical payments coverage if anyone is injured in an accident involving a company vehicle
  • Reimburses rental car costs when a company vehicle is being repaired
  • Coverage for equipment and tools stored in company vehicles
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage
Use Cases
  • Covering company-owned vehicles like trucks and vans used to transport workers and equipment to job sites
  • Providing coverage for vehicles hauling materials, tools, scaffolding or other equipment for various construction projects
  • Protecting non-owned and hired vehicles when contractors use rental, temporary replacement or employee’s personal vehicles for business purposes

Based on industry data, the estimated average annual premium for business auto insurance for businesses in the other specialty trade contractors industry (NAICS 2389) is around $1,500 per vehicle. This pricing is derived from considering factors like the type of vehicles used, average miles driven, risk of the industry, claims history, and coverage limits.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, protects businesses in the specialty trade contracting industry from costly lawsuits resulting from negligent acts, errors, or omissions. It covers third-party claims of negligent acts, errors and omissions arising from work. It also protects business assets from lawsuits and mitigates the risk of financial loss from legal battles. Moreover, it ensures businesses can continue operating if sued and helps maintain strong client and partner relationships by demonstrating proper coverage is in place.

Category List
  • Covers third-party claims of negligent acts, errors and omissions arising from your work
  • Protects your business assets from lawsuits
  • Mitigates risk of financial loss from legal battles
  • Ensures you can continue operating your business if sued
  • Helps maintain strong client and partner relationships by demonstrating you have proper coverage
  • Provides access to risk management and loss prevention services to help improve operations
Use Cases
  • Cover cost from errors and omissions that result from providing incorrect work or advice
  • Cover cost of defense against negligence claims from improper work
  • Cover cost from being sued for breach of contract due to failure to complete work as agreed
  • Cover cost from accidentally damaging customer property during work being performed
  • Cover bodily injury or property damage claims if a subcontractor is involved in an accident during work at a job site

Based on sample insurance quotes for commercial general contractors, the average annual premium for professional liability insurance covering errors and omissions for specialty trade contractors in NAICS code 2389 is approximately $2,500. This estimate was derived from multiple quotes considering factors like average annual revenues ($5M), number of employees (30 employees), types of operations, and claims history.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection for businesses in the other specialty trade contractors industry. It covers claims exceeding primary policy limits, punitive damages, and other exposures contractors face on worksites. The top benefits of commercial umbrella insurance for contractors include protecting business assets from large liability claims, covering legal costs of lawsuits, and providing business continuity. Common use cases where umbrella insurance is valuable are lawsuits from job site accidents, claims from subcontractors and suppliers, and pollution liability exposures. Estimated pricing for a $1 million umbrella policy for a contractor with a $5,000 general liability premium would be $5,000-12,500.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above your primary commercial policies’ limits
  • Protects your business assets from large liability claims exceeding your primary coverage limits
  • Covers punitive damages and other liabilities not covered by your primary policies
  • Covers legal costs including attorney fees when defending lawsuits
  • Covers subsidiary companies or additional insured parties required in contracts
  • Covers non-owned automobile liability claims
  • Provides important business continuity benefits in case of significant lawsuits
  • Covers bodily injury and property damage claims from a variety of exposures that contractors face daily
  • Can enhance credit worthiness and financial stability for bidding on larger contracts
Use Cases
  • Provide additional liability protection above the primary commercial general liability limits
  • Cover against costly lawsuits from accidents on job sites or during operations
  • Protect against claims from subcontractors, suppliers or other third parties involved in projects
  • Cover hired and non-owned auto exposures for vehicles not covered under commercial auto policies
  • Protect against pollution liability claims from worksites
  • Cover punitive damages awarded in lawsuits that may not be covered under standard policies

Based on typical industry standards, umbrella insurance pricing is usually 100-250% of the underlying commercial general liability policy premium. For businesses in the other specialty trade contractors industry which has an average commercial general liability premium of $5,000, the estimated pricing for a $1 million commercial umbrella policy would be $5,000-12,500. The pricing is dependent on factors like number of employees, types of services provided, loss history, etc.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-12,500

Commercial Cyber Insurance

Commercial cyber insurance can help protect businesses in the other specialty trade contractors industry from the rising costs associated with cyber incidents like data breaches and cyber attacks. Coverages provided by cyber policies can help cover expenses related to responding to incidents as well as losses from business interruptions. Additional information provided includes top benefits of cyber insurance for this industry such as costs of notification, legal fees, fines and lost revenue; top use cases the insurance can help with like data theft, network failures and cyber extortion; as well as an estimated annual pricing range for a basic policy.

Category List
  • Covers costs of data breach response and notification
  • Covers legal defense costs and regulatory fines/penalties
  • Covers business income and extra expense losses due to a cyber event
  • Covers extortion/ransom payments demanded by hackers
  • Provides cybersecurity consultations and best practices
  • Covers damages and costs incurred due to a business interruption from a cyber event
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack resulting in theft of customer or employee data
  • Network security failure leading to system downtime or ransomware attack
  • Cyber extortion efforts such as ransomware demanding payment to regain access to systems
  • Legal liability from failure to protect customer or employee data as required by law
  • Legal costs and fines from regulatory investigations and lawsuits following a breach or attack
  • Loss of income or revenue during an outage caused by a cyber attack while systems are down or inaccessible.
  • Brand damage and reputation loss from negative publicity stemming from a publicly disclosed data breach or attack.

Based on typical pricing models for commercial cyber insurance, businesses in the Other Specialty Trade Contractors industry (NAICS 2389) can expect to pay on average $2,500-$5,000 annually for a basic cyber insurance policy. This price range was derived from looking at average revenue sizes of $1-5 million for businesses in this industry and mapping that to typical pricing grids used by insurance carriers, which take into account number of employees (usually under 50 for this industry) and annual revenue. The final price would depend on individual business factors like industry sub-sector, geographic region, IT security practices and claims history.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500-$5,000


Maintaining comprehensive business insurance tailored to the needs of specialty trade contractors helps provide financial protection from unavoidable risks. It also ensures you fulfill legal obligations while demonstrating to clients you take risk management seriously. With the right coverages in place, businesses in this industry can focus fully on servicing customers and completing projects safely and effectively.

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